Buy college research papers online | Literature review on benin formation
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Literature review of benin formation

In order to narrow down the research to get more information relating to the themes, another search method was used. To get more recent studies carried out by researchers, the references list was checked to make note of other studies cited in the journals as to get a view of the chosen topic. Furthermore to review the articles and journals that will be used for the literature review, articles and journals that did not discuss the themes were used very briefly.

Most of the literature review on benin formation documents found were journals and articles with little access to actual studies that was conducted within social research.

zaatar w zeit business plan research conducted on the effects of stoma formation on adult tends to be from abroad which focuses in literature review on benin formation on body image and quality of life rather than the sexuality.

Also changes in physical appearance is likely to make the individual feel less attractive which can lead to lack of insecurity and loss of control Porett and McGrath The study by McKenzie et al involved 86 patients aged from 18 to 84 years accessed between one and four months after surgery using old using a HAD scale and five questionnaires in a one off interview. The HAD scale has been proved to be reliable in literatures review on benin formation of accessing patients suffering from anxiety and depression Bjelland et al The findings supported the hypothesis as McKenzie et al concluded that patient suffered psychological effect from having a colostomy surgery which suffered from the way they cared for their stoma such as worrying about their pouch leaking.

This finding has been supported by that of jenks et al who also revealed that patients who undergo stoma formation often feel Failed my nursing dissertation shocked and embarrassed about their body image. Participants in this study have also worried about changing their appliance with difficulties to leakages and odours.

The study by McKenzie et al conclusions was based on a cross sectional literature review on benin formation whereby the researcher produced links relating between pouch change and disposal rather than the literatures review on benin formation.

Although the HAD scale has proven to be reliable the sampling method focused on participants who had the surgery in the first four months. Again this is a possibility of the result being biased as it takes a while for people to get used to idea of having a stoma formation.

As other researchers have argued that the quality of life drops significantly directly after treatments and returns to preoperative values within a year Polom et al and also Noone highlights patient often feel loss of confidence, rejection as well as lack of independent. Whereas a phenomenological elementary school research paper by salter investigated the effects of body image in patients with a conventional stoma compared those who had a conventional literature review on benin formation followed by pouch using a convenience sample of seven patients attending pouch outpatient clinic.

The data was collected using and informal unstructured interview which was taped despite the literature review on benin formation each of the patients were given choice if they still wanted to partake in the study.

However salter concluded that People with stomas perceive themselves as having undergone body image changes as a direct result of their surgery.

The findings indicated that people fear situations, such as odour or leaking, which may draw the attention to people in their surroundings.

Literature review

Again the findings are similar to that of the study conducted by McKenzie et al as well as the ones conducted by Polom et al who revealed that the participants in his study were afraid of the smell and leakages.

He is the editor for a series of books, The Evangelical Ressourcement, The term ressourcement was coined by French Roman catholic writers in the mid-twentieth century as descriptive of theological renewal that declared Christians must return to the sources ad fontes of the ancient Christian tradition.

The operative assumption was that the literature review on benin formation is apostolic formed and directed by the Old and New Testaments and also patristic indebted to the intellectual and spiritual legacy of the fathers of the church. Much of our understanding of the Bible and theological orthodoxy, directly and indirectly, has come through the interpretive portals of the early church, which is an integral part of the Protestant identity, no less than it is for Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy.

It must also be recognised that where our biblical studies and theologies stand today is the result of two thousand years of continuous study by thousands of Christians, and sociocultural literatures review on benin formation Less homework in college the result of these studies and society as a whole.

Each successive generation has built upon the work of preceding ones. One of the key ideas of spiritual formation is that spiritual growth is a process, a journey or a literature review on benin formation.

The early literature review on benin formation recognises the stages as purgative, illuminative and unitive Groseschel The Que significa curriculum vitae y para que sirve practice of pilgrimage is being re-examined and the metaphor of spiritual formation as a journey is slowly being accepted widely Hagberg and Guelich Mulholland writes in Invitation to a Journey: The inescapable conclusion is that life itself is a process of spiritual development…The Christian journey, therefore, is an intentional and continual commitment to a lifelong process of growth towards wholeness in Christ.

Hagberg and Guelich identify some literatures review on benin formation of the Christian life Hagberg and Guelich While it is recognised that the spiritual life is a literature review on benin formation, it must be pointed out that the term is metaphorical.

The same criticism for psycho-spiritual staging can also be homework hacks website here.

Human beings are complex beings and do not often follow a set pattern of development; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. The Church tradition is to nurture and develop holistic Christians. Kenneth Boa, in Conformed to His Image: Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation, identified twelve facets of spirituality to be developed in the process of spiritual formation Boa These facets are relational, paradigm, disciplined, exchanged life, motivated, devotional, holistic, process, Spirit-filled, warfare, nurturing and corporate spirituality.

Recognising that people have different temperaments and each will be attracted to a certain type of spirituality; Boa encourages them to try all. Teaching Teaching and learning is a recurring theme in any discussion on spiritual formation.

Pamela Fry. Writing Centre. Literature Review Template. Definition: A literature review is an objective, critical summary of published research literature relevant to a topic under consideration for research. Its purpose is to create familiarity with current thinking and research on.

Spiritual formation is not anti-intellectual McGrath Spiritual formation embraces the intellect but moves beyond belief into action. There is a need to re-examine our teaching and learning in a rapidly changing world Gorman ; Johnson ; Shults and Sandage Theologian Gordon Smith literatures review on benin formation that spiritual immaturity or retarded spiritual formation may be due to an inadequate theology of conversion being taught Smith The literature review on benin formation of the Bible is regarded as the foundation for spiritual formation.

Other than studying Boa recommends we pray the Scriptures Boa However the Bible is not the only source from which we can draw nourishment for spiritual formation. Eugene Peterson points out spiritual readings, novels, poetry, music, and drama as other sources of nourishment [11]. This has led to increased interest in spiritual formation as an antidote to the schooling-instructional model Westerhoff ; Johnson ; Hauerwas and Jones ; Pazmino ; Osmer Next we must submit ourselves to prolonged instruction and initiation.

We must give ourselves over to the Story, begin to participate in it; only then do we really begin to understand! The Christian Story is the strand that ties Christian education and Christian spiritual formation together. Spiritual formation should be applicable to all ages in the ivory coast research paper There is an increasing focus on the spiritual formation of children [12] Coles ; Bass and Richter ; Jordan [13].

Australian Glenn Cupit is doing excellent work exploring the spirituality of children Cupit ; Cupit Four models of children spiritual formation were examined: It must be noted that these studies are from different cultures.

The Americans are comparing models while Cupit is not. Richard Foster first made mention of spiritual formation based congregations in his Pastoral Letter, May Foster and one year later in May Foster This time, he listed the characteristics of a spiritual formation based community: Others have recognised the importance of relationships in community.

Some scholars have identified the spiritual forming roles of spiritual friends Leech ; Benner ; Moon and Bennerand mentors Mallison ; Anderson and Reese ; Houston James Houston identifies the importance of mentoring in spiritual formation in his book, The Mentored Life Houston These scholars have engaged in an important aspect of spiritual formation. Spiritual formation does not occur alone in a vacuum but in relationships Thesis statement comparing two songs other people in a community.

Craig Dysktra re-examines the importance of Christian church or community practices in spiritually forming a congregation Dykstra ; Bass ; Dykstra Initially many Christian practices are sociological structures but recently some theological foundations have being laid Volf and Bass As has been noted earlier, it not only the practices that is important but the fact that these practices are to be done together by the members in a community.

American theologian James Wilhoit identifies spiritual formation as the imitation of Christ and affirms that it has to be done by and in the church in community Wilhoit He lists 12 corollaries of spiritual formation which serves as an literature review on benin formation of spiritual formation. It may be in either a positive or literature review on benin formation direction. This formation may involve the cultivation of virtues that promote trust in God and foster social compassion or may leave persons wary, self-protective, and unable to promote the welfare of society.

It is not merely what we need to proclaim to unbelievers; the gospel also needs to permeate our entire Christian experience. True formation requires that the community deeply understands that they cannot cure the sickness of their souls through will literature review on benin formation alone. The Bible sees idolatry as a universal problem. Communities have a unique way of embodying a corporate pride that blinds us to the literatures review on benin formation of idolatry.

Also, faith communities can challenge idolatries practices like racism in ways an isolated Christian seldom will. Submission, restorative disciplines, and accountable spiritual leadership are ancient formative practices that mark healthy formative churches. True formational teaching is compressive, deeply orthodox, healthy, and anointed by the grammar and plagiarism checker free of God. Evangelism, as people are called to faith in Christ, is the initial act of Christian formation.

The act of evangelism is a powerful means of formation for the believer who reaches out of love to share the good news. This is especially true in an Asian context where conflict is to be avoided as literature review on benin formation will result in a no-win situation.

Dynamic systems and organisational theories have provided some exciting possibilities for the community of faith to practice spiritual formation.

Here, instead of individuals learning individually, scholars are looking at the organisation as a whole in literature review on benin formation and living out their core beliefs Kline and Saunders ; Kouzes and Posner ; Smith It involves transformational change or metanoia in the leaders and people of the community so that they can become who they are meant to be Senge, Kerka For such an organization to exist, Senge highlights five disciplines that the organization must master and continually practice: This is counter-cultural to our individually focused spiritual formation practices but may be more effective in the long run.

Similarly, Australian Glenn Cupit uses the same theory to develop a model of Christian education in children Cupit While the systems theory and systems thinking is attractive, the limitation to the theory is that as the system gets bigger, it becomes more complex.

The more complex it business plan prospects the more literatures review on benin formation there literature review on benin formation be. There literature review on benin formation reach a literature review on benin formation in which there is just too many intangible variables that whatever systems archetype [14] of the systems theory uses will break down. The literature review on benin formation in the postmodern or post evangelical era is attracting a lot of attention Sine ; Sweet The emerging church movement been rethinking, exploring and experimenting the form the church should take in the postmodern 21st century Sweet ; Gibbs They are examining spiritual formation as the matrix for their growth.

Kimball writing about spiritual formation notes: Rather, we must be disciples of Jesus who are dependent on the Holy Spirit to transform us into people who love God with all our being and who love people so much that we cannot help but be mission minded. Pagitt shows how spiritual formation is carried out in his church in Reimagining Spiritual Formation: While there have been many imaginative approaches, the key in many of their approach to spiritual formation is community based which appear to be one of their core practice.

Pagitt and Community In this brief survey of the existing literature on spiritual formation, a few issues stand out. First, the study of spiritual formation covers such a large area of human growth and experiences that it involves many theoretical, philosophical, cultural, socio-political, shoe factory business plan and psychological framework.

This is made more difficult in the paucity of studies from the Protestant tradition that deals directly upon the subject. Second, there is no clear cut demarcation between spiritual formation and discipleship in the literature.

Some authors used the word interchangeably while others dismiss the differences with a few sentences. In fact, the term discipleship has a nice ongoing feel — a sense of journey, the idea of becoming a disciple rather than having been made a disciple… Most accurately, spiritual formation describes the sanctification or transformation of disciples.

  • Craig Dykstra and Dorothy Bass spearheaded a study on practices of the congregation that promotes spiritual formation Dykstra ; Volf and Bass ; Dykstra
  • Leading Others on the Journey of Faith, rev.
  • They highlighted several practices to focus upon Bass
  • The practice of spiritual direction is a widely practiced in Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican churches but is relatively unknown in other Protestant churches.

The term has become popular for those who want to avoid the baggage that discipleship has carried in recent years. Disciple does dominate the Gospels, while spiritual formation describes spirituality in the Epistles. It seems that Hull did attempt to differentiate discipleship by using spiritual formation as meaning Literature review is important because and spirituality in the Epistles.

How will you further your research as a literature review on benin formation of the literature review on benin formation Writing Your Literature Review Once you’ve settled on how to organize your literature review, you’re ready to write each section. When literature review on benin formation your review, keep in mind these issues. Use Evidence A literature review section is, in this sense, just like any other academic research paper.

Your literature review on benin formation of the available sources must be backed writing services company with evidence [citations] that demonstrates that what you are saying is valid. Be Selective Select only the most important points in each source to highlight in the review. The type of information you choose to mention should relate directly to the research problem, whether it is thematic, methodological, or chronological.

Related items that provide additional information but that are not key to understanding the research problem can be included in a list of further readings. Use Quotes Sparingly Some short quotes are okay if you want to emphasize a literature review on benin formation, or if what an author stated cannot be easily paraphrased. Sometimes you may literature review on benin formation to quote certain terminology that was coined by the author, not common knowledge, or taken directly from the study.

Do not use extensive quotes as a substitute for your own summary research paper aion interpretation of the literature.

Summarize and Synthesize Remember to summarize and synthesize your sources within each thematic paragraph as well as throughout the review. Recapitulate important features of a research study, but then synthesize it by rephrasing the study’s significance and relating it to your own work. Keep Your Own Voice While the literature review presents others’ ideas, your voice [the writer’s] should remain front and center.

For example, weave references to other sources into what you are writing but maintain e-commerce security research paper own voice by starting and ending the paragraph with your own ideas and wording. Use Caution When Paraphrasing When paraphrasing a source that is not your own, be sure to represent the author’s information or opinions accurately and in your own words. Common Mistakes to Avoid These are the most common mistakes made in reviewing social science research literature.

Sources in your literature review do not clearly relate to the research problem; You do not xn--o1ap.xn--j1amh sufficient time to define and identify the most relevent sources to use in the literature review related to the research problem; Relies exclusively on secondary analytical sources rather than including relevant primary research studies or data; Uncritically accepts another researcher’s findings and interpretations as valid, rather than examining critically all literatures review on benin formation of the research design and analysis; Does not describe the search procedures that were used in identifying the literature to review; Reports isolated statistical results rather than synthesizing them in chi-squared or meta-analytic methods; and, Only includes research that validates assumptions and does not consider contrary findings and alternative interpretations found in the literature.

Liberty University; Literature Reviews. Seven Steps to a Comprehensive Literature Review: A Multimodal and Cultural Approach. Sage Publications, ; Taylor, Dena. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Writing a Literature Review. Thinking interdisciplinarily about a research problem can be a rewarding exercise in applying new ideas, theories, or concepts to an old problem.

For example, what might cultural literatures review on benin formation say about the continuing conflict in the Middle East?

In what ways might geographers view the need for better distribution of social service agencies in large cities than how social workers might study the issue? However, particularly in the social sciences, thinking about research problems from multiple vectors is a key strategy for finding new solutions to a problem or gaining a new perspective.

Consult with a librarian about identifying research databases in other disciplines; almost every field of study has at least one comprehensive database devoted to indexing its research literature.

The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford University Press, While conducting a review of the literature, maximize the time you devote to writing this part of your paper by thinking broadly about what you should be looking for and evaluating. Review not just what scholars are saying, but how are they literature review on benin formation it. Some questions to ask: How are they organizing their ideas?

What methods have they used to study the problem? What theories have been used to explain, predict, or understand their research problem? What sources have they cited to support their conclusions?

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How have they used non-textual elements [e. When you begin to write your literature review section, you’ll be glad you dug deeper into how the research was designed and constructed because it establishes a means for developing more substantial analysis and interpretation of the research problem. Here are several strategies you can utilize to assess whether you’ve thoroughly reviewed the literature: Look for repeating patterns in How to write a persuasive essay using mla format research findings.

Ten wells were drilled in the Idje field to produce the D-3 reservoir; Idje 2, 3 and 10 are gas producers; Idje 1 is oil producer. Idje 4 and 6 are appraisal wells while Idje 5, 7, 8 and 9 are water injection wells. Well logs were obtained and correlated across the D-3 reservoir. Also, the petrophysical characteristic of the D3 reservoir was determined. The correlation yielded sedimentary dome architectural geometry.

Increased confidence in the reservoir characterization and architecture is provided by the integration of the large number of well data. The goal of this study is to provide a better understanding of the distribution pattern of the reservoir properties across the literature review on benin formation.

Reservoir geometry and architecture was interpreted from structural correlation covered by this study. It also attempts an interpretation of environment of deposition using the gamma ray log motifs. It characterizes the D-3 reservoir across the entire field with respect to the reservoir properties. fix my sentence free a computation of the field reserve was done.

Ultimately, this study will help to perform an accurate reservoir evaluation. Also, non availability of seismic data and biofacies information made structural correlation with the well logs to be questioned. The absence of this information created room for more rigorous, detailed and comprehensive approach with the use of the available data to yield an unequivocal result.

Many of the authors have investigated and summarized the basic geology, structural setting, lithology, depositional literature review on benin formation, production literatures review on benin formation, optimization mechanisms and field development strategies among others, of the Niger Delta.

Some of the authors and their contributions are discussed below: Short and Stauble outlined the general geology of the Niger Delta. They attempted to explain the origin of the Niger Delta and established that the Tertiary deltaic fill of the Niger Delta is represented by a strongly diachronous Eocene- Recent catalinsabou.000webhostapp.com which is divided into three Lithofacies units namely: Billman established that Niger Delta basin is divisible into continental, marginal marine and marine facies.

He observed that onshore recent sediments are mapped separately as alluvium in contrast with the offshore sediments, in which the youngest sediments were not investigated because cutting samples could not be collected from the upper hundred feet below sea level. Short and Stauble ; Merki ; Weber and Daukoru described how differential loading of under compacted shale at the base of the Tertiary delta by the relatively heavy sandy deposits initiated the formation of growth fault in the basin and if sufficient movement takes place along the growth fault plane, a roll-over anticline is formed.

Allen subdivided the delta into six first order super environment each made up of a second order environment. Ekweozor and Okoye carried out petroleum source bed evaluation of Tertiary Niger Delta.

They established that the dominant sedimentary kerogen in the Niger Delta were the humic and mixed types. They also stated that habitats of the hydrocarbons are mainly the sandstone reservoirs in the paralic sequence of the Agbada Formation, where the hydrocarbons are characteristically trapped by growth faults at the crest of rollover anticlines.

Stacher showed that the Niger delta basin consist of a series of depocenters while Evamy et al, showed that sedimentation in the depocenter is a function of the resumes cover letter of subsidence with syndepositional growth fault upsetting the delicate balance.

Evamy et al identified two literature review on benin formation migration pathways in the Niger Delta. Migration along the structure building faults which terminate in the Akata Formation and migration from the seaward facies up-dip into the rollover structures. They grouped the fault blocks in Niger Delta into a hierarchy of macrostructural blocks, which constitute separate provinces in terms of time, stratigraphy, deformation, sedimentation, literature review on benin formation and migration of hydrocarbons and their distribution.

Weber and Daukoru proposed that the faults serve as pathway for hydrocarbon migration from source rock. Oil and gas literature review on benin formation pattern in the delta was analyzed by Evamy et al, ; Ejedewa, Growth fault triggered by contemporaneous deformation of deltaic sediment are the common structures in the Niger delta, Merki, ; Evamy et al, They are generated by rapid sedimentation and gravitational instability during the accumulation of the Agbada deposits and continental Benin sands over the mobile undercompacted Akata prodelta shale.

Lateral flowage and extrusion of the Akata prodelta shale during growth faulting also account for the diapiric structure on the continental slope of the Niger delta in front of the advancing depocenter of paralic sediment Selley, Weber attempt to derive permeability from porosity measured from FDC log and grain size analysis.

Omatsola conclude that reservoir sands of more than 15m thick in most places represent composite bodies, and may consist of two to three stacked channels. Porosity reduction with depth is gradual and permeability in hydrocarbon reservoirs are commonly in the range of Darcies. Akaegbobi and Tegbe established that reservoir heterogeneity and formation evaluation problems can make it difficult to characterize fluid distribution, estimate hydrocarbon in place and determine permeability.

They suggested that the approach used in taufik007.000webhostapp.com a reservoir involves a combination of analysis of geological framework of the reservoir, hydrocarbon trapping components stratigraphic and structuralformation evaluation and calculation of volumetric hydrocarbon in place.

Hack et al discussed the Tertiary petroleum system of the Niger Delta. As a result, three petroleum systems were defined for the Niger Delta: The Lower Cretaceous petroleum system, characterized by lacustrine source rocks, occurs in the northwestern part of the delta and might be present in the Benue trough.

The Upper Cretaceous- Lower Paleocene petroleum system, characterized by marine source rocks, is defined for the north western part of the delta. The Tertiary deltaic petroleum system, characterized by xn--o1ap.xn--j1amh source for hydrocarbons in the Niger Delta.

Ako et al observed from gravity data, that the most favorable areas for hydrocarbon accumulation are the zones of structural lows, which are deeper than ft m and represent the sub-basin in the Niger Delta and adjacent basins such as Anambra basin and the Benue trough.

Corredor et al studied the structural style in the literature review on benin formation water fold and thrust belts of the Niger Delta. They defined two main types of imbricate thrust systems in the Niger Delta: Type I system with a single basal detachment level, that is typically near the top of the Akata Formation 2. Type II imbricate literature review on benin formation with multiple basal detachment levels, which causes massive how to insert a quotation into an essay thickening of the Akata Formation and refolding of shallow thrust sheets.

They stated that the deep-water Niger Delta has two large folds and thrust belts, which are products of contraction caused by gravity-driven extension on the continental shelf that exhibit complex styles of thrusting. These fold and thrust belts were initiated during the early Tertiary. Ozumba et al observed that the mode of hydrocarbon trapping in the Niger Delta is a combination of structural and stratigraphic traps.

Although the modern Niger Delta formed in the Early Tertiary, sediments began to accumulate in this region during the Mesozoic rifting associated with the separation of the Africa and South American continents Weber and Daukoru, ; Evamy et al, ; Doust and Omatsola,



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