Marketing management exam essay questions and answers. Free essays online
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Did you use ruler to draw the lines in diagram? Or did you just make it by hand? You wrote the answer in blue pen or black pen? Blue pen only but I remember using black pen for some side topics in Essay. Mains Optional Subject Q. Political Science and International Relations. Right from school time, I used to read books on Indian politics,elections and foreign policy. If a new player wants to pick this subject, would you advice for it or against it?

Andrew Heywood Indian Political Thought: Indian political thought by V. Indian govt and politics: Oxford companion to Indian politics, B. David Malone,Shashi Tharoor,Non alignment 2. OR can one simply rely on the books and be done marketing management exam essay questions and answers this subject? Indian foreign policy and Indian politics can be studied even without touching books if one follows newspapers and does online research based on newspapers religiously.

And even for questions on static topics in international relations, I gave examples from contemporary happenings like Ukraine,Iran et al. Current affairs is as important as standard books in this optional. How many months did it take to finish the core optional syllabus?

I finished all topics except Comparative Politics in four-five months. No marketing management exam essay questions and answers practice Q. Do you maintain self-notes for revision of optional? In which format- electronic or paper? All notes were taken in the books itself. Your observation about the difficultly level of mains vs previous papers. Before the interview Q1. How did you prepare for the interview? College grad — late night phone calls with toppers of my UG class.

Hobbies — They are my hobbies so I did not prepare for them separately. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes?

Do you believe it is necessary to attend such mock interviews? And I got I still feel there is no need to attend mock interviews.

But it is upto to the reader to judge based on my marks. Describe the formal-dress worn by you in interview. Light blue full hand shirt, black pant, dark blue tie, black shoes and a smile. Where did you stay for the interview?

Hotel Hari Piarko near Delhi Railway station. Four kms from UPSC office. I brought my laptop and used internet to revise before interview. Also,brought some handwritten notes made for interview. During the interview Q1. Who was the chairman of you interview board? How long was the interview? Why do you want to join civil service? Social marketing management exam essay questions and answers can be done from private sector too.

But if they had asked- what will be your reply? Further, while a lecturer can simply end class when the time runs out and start again at the beginning of the next with very little disruption of the flow of the class, using blocks of time for in-class group work makes timing issues much more important.

As a result, longer class periods help in two ways. One is that they allow more efficient use of time. The other is that they provide more flexibility for marketing management exam essay questions and answers and managing in-class group assignments. dissertation english check On the other hand, this task is largely a one-time effort.

In addition, most teachers are able to streamline the course-restructuring process by using a variety of proof reading meaning and by sharing ideas and assignments with other team learning users. Further, most team learning users find that their first course restructuring effort is the most time consuming and that the conversion process is much easier with subsequent courses.

Given the significance express essay help the start-up costs, we have three recommendations. One is starting with the basics and adding sophistication over time. At a minimum, this means starting off each unit with a RAT that prepares students for one or more appropriate application-focused assignments.

Second, we recommend a strategy of implementing team-based learning in one course at a time. Finally, it is best to start with a course that has as many advantages as possible. The personal characteristics of any teacher have an impact regardless of the teaching approach that he or she uses.

For example, being organized and having a flair for the dramatic are two keys to being an effective lecturer. Based on our observations, the majority of experienced teachers already have most of the skills required to effectively implement team-based learning. Most of us have already learned how to organize material, create and give tests and assignments, and provide feedback on student performance. Instead of thinking about website for writing papers we should be teaching, we have to focus on what we can do to enhance student learning.

Beyond that, the one new skill that appears to provide the greatest challenge to new team learning users is developing the ability to design effective group assignments. media poster essay pre-learning approach, and focuses on student-centered learning activities in the classroom.

TBL goes beyond Flipped Learning, as it includes structured approaches for in-class learning activities. TBL also incorporates teambuilding as a necessary activity for collaborative learning, by establishing fixed teams. Students learn teamwork skills that are important for solving a variety of complex problems. TBL also includes a process for students to provide constructive feedback on team contribution to other team members. In summary, TBL provides a structured but flexible framework that guides the supanut036.000webhostapp.com in developing pre-learning materials, in-class tests, and in-class activities.

A substantial kenmobile.vn of research shows that this framework engages students and achieves improved learning outcomes. The greatest fear of most instructors is that if they use class time for group work, they will not be able to marketing management exam essay questions and answers enough content. Most students have learned that, as long as they attend and pay attention, they will either be able to do well on the tests based on the lectures alone or they will be adequately warned if additional reading is really necessary.

As creative writing romance result, such things as the costs of buying the text, using discretionary time to read it, and then being bored during the lectures, end up being powerful disincentives for pre-class preparation. Further, when students do prepare, they are often reluctant to speak up for two reasons.

One is that, if they are wrong, they worry about looking bad. Team-based learning, however, provides multiple incentives for pre-class individual study and for students to speak up when they do have information to share. In addition, because teams cannot do well unless their members are prepared, interaction during the team RATs provides several other powerful incentives for both pre-class preparation and for sharing information within teams.

Students learn quickly that their peers will pontus.cmsvr.net them accountable for pre-class reading because, every time a disagreement occurs, members will be asked about the reasons for their choices. As a result, there is both immediate social pressure to study and the realization that failing to do so is likely to result in the negative consequence of receiving a low peer evaluation at the end of the marketing management exam essay questions and answers.

In addition, over time, members are increasingly motivated to study to ensure the success of their team. In addition, the efficiency of the Readiness Assurance Process allows them to shift the primary focus of in-class work from covering content to decision-based team assignments that focus on developing higher-level thinking skills.

Faculty members who ask this question tend to have one of two situations in mind. By far the most troublesome is when one or two members end up being saddled with doing far more than their fair share of the group work. This type of free-rider problem is almost always the result of poorly-designed group assignments that can be and usually are completed by individual members working alone.

Based on our experience, free-riding based on parceling out assignments to group members occurs when either of two conditions exists: For a variety of reasons, this kind of free-riding is virtually never a problem with team-based learning. One is that the RATs so powerfully illustrate the value of give-and-take discussion in tackling intellectual problems e. Another is the multiple incentives for completing pre-class assignments. The other problem that many instructors view as free riding is when students get higher grades than their individual scores marketing management exam essay questions and answers seem to merit.

In most cases, this results from using a traditional grading scale i. The best way to avert free-riders of this type is to make sure that the mechanics of the grading system take into account the fact that group scores will normally be higher than individual scores see grading system discussion below.

What the teachers lack, however, is an understanding of how much their own failure to create conditions that foster individual and group accountability has contributed to the problem. With team-based learning, a combination of factors, many of which are listed in the answers to the two previous questions, encourage members to be individually prepared for class. Further, because group performance is a major component of the course grade, students are motivated to prepare for and participate fully in the team assignments.

This concern also typically results from a lack of understanding of the tremendous negative impact of poorly-designed group assignments. Most of the really troublesome cases of conflicts in marketing management exam essay questions and answers groups are associated with assignments in which students are able to parcel out the sub-tasks of the assignment.

In some instances, the conflict is over either which member gets to make the decisions as to who does what or who gets the easiest or hardest part. With team-based learning, lots of disagreements occur, but neither process nor content issues are significant problems because of the frequent and immediate feedback on team work. For example, although each RAT provides multiple opportunities for both process and content conflicts to occur, disagreements of both xn--o1ap.xn--j1amh are quickly resolved by feedback resulting from the scoring of the exams.

As a result, team learning instructors almost never have to spend front-end time coaching groups on to how to resolve conflicts or mid-course time adjudicating problems that arise from group melt-downs. In forming groups, we recommend trying to do three things. One is spreading assets and liabilities i.

Thus, the team formation process should be criterion-based. A second objective of the team formation process is to avoid pre-existing, cohesive sub-groups e. Third, the process you use for team formation should foster the perception that none of the teams was given a special advantage. Thus, we recommend using a very public team formation process.

For example, in undergraduate Management Principles courses the rare and important category is usually full-time work experience, so that is the first category. By contrast, I rarely use work experience as a category in graduate courses because most students have worked for at least a year or two.

In graduate classes my most important but rare category is typically Ph. As a result, I start off by asking students to raise a hand if they are from outside the college of business. Then I have them line up alphabetically by discipline. When the entire class is standing in line, I then have them count off essay online writing the number of groups I want.

Marketing Channel Management Exam. Marketing Channel Management End-Semester Examination Time 2 Hours Maximum Marks – 50 Instructions: 1. Please answer the questions in the order that they have been asked 2. Please start each section on a new page. 3. Please write clearly and neatly. Marks will be penalized for bad writing.

When the counting-off process is finished, I have the groups assemble themselves in designated locations in the classroom. The size of the teams always represents a compromise between being large enough to have sufficient intellectual resources to complete the assignments and small enough to develop into true teams.

Historically, we have found that if teams have at least five members, they usually have the intellectual resources to complete the team assignments. On the other end of the spectrum, we have found that groups larger than 7 tend to have difficulty in the team development marketing management exam essay questions and answers. Hence the optimum size for team-based learning is 5 to 7 students. Although the answer as to what to do about it depends, to some extent, on the reason s that students are having difficulty, the severity of the problem can be greatly reduced by one or a combination of the following: Prepare a reading guide containing questions that students should be able to answer after having read the text.

Create short text supplements often a single page or less that clarify specific issues that create problems for students. He then allowed students to make their own copy of his tape to guide their individual study. Develop teams to the point that members voluntarily help each other prepare for the RATs. If all else fails, use class time usually a small fraction of that required in a job application letter expression of interest course to remediate misunderstandings that surface during the Readiness Assurance Process.

An effective grading system for team-based learning contains three essential components: The individual performance component provides a basis for student accountability to the instructor and to each other. The group performance component provides incentives for the development of group cohesiveness and justifies putting effort into group work. The peer evaluation solves two important motivational problems. One is marketing management exam essay questions and answers an incentive for individuals to participate in group discussions.

The final weight of each of these three components should be a balance of three factors. First, each of the components should be given enough weight so it is clear to prop 32 essay that the instructor thinks it is important.

Second, the marketing management exam essay questions and answers must be personally comfortable with the relative weights in the chosen grading system. Third, the grading system must be responsive to student concerns for fairness and equity.

Over the years, it has proven to be a highly effective way to create a grading system that is both acceptable to all the parties involved and supports the individual and team behaviors that are necessary for learning and team development.

A relatively common problem with new team learning users is finding a way to count group work in their grading system without giving higher-than-deserved grades to some of their students.

The apparent dilemma is created by the fact that most groups will score over 90 on most extended essay marking guidelines and other assignments. Even though I carefully explain my rationale to the students, I still get some initial resistance.

Marketing questions and essays

But it dissolves as students come to realize that you will be fair with them. Students are almost universally convinced that there is something magic about a If the test turns out to be too difficult, they curve it up, give an easier test the next time, or both. If the marketing management exam essay questions and answers is too easy, they give a harder one next time. As a result, I simply have my spread sheet add up the total of the raw scores on the six RATs.

At the end of the semester, I multiply the subset totals by the weights determined by the class e. Then I sum the weighted points from the three major grading components individual scores, group scores and, peer evaluations. This gives me an overall score for each student. I typically take three factors into account. In fact, when someone says they tried team-based marketing management exam essay questions and answers and they got a negative student reaction my first question is: If you give too many RATs, you are likely falling into a trap of pushing students into memorizing details that are not really significant to either you or the students.

The primary purpose of the RATs is to assess marketing management exam essay questions and answers readiness to engage in related application-focused activities, all of which are open-book. In my judgement, focusing on details is counterproductive for a variety of reasons.

Second, if your goal is long-term recall of the material, then you are better off really reinforcing the fundamental concepts the details are not all that important — partly first grade weekly homework calendar they are always changing — marketing management exam essay questions and answers, students will never retain them anyway.

A primary benefit of the individual RATs is that they make members accountable for their individual preparation. Students realize that, because of the give-and-take that occurs during the group test, they will not be able to hide a lack of individual preparation for the group RATs.

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Thus, regardless of how much the individual scores actually count toward the course grade, they make members accountable to their group.

As a result, as long as the group RATs and the peer evaluation both have a significant impact on the course grade, it is not essential that individual RATs count very much at marketing management exam essay questions and answers. On the other hand, even though we typically develop a grading system using an exercise that gives students the option of not counting the individual RATs at all, they rarely choose that option.

In general, I try to create a situation that is similar to what students will experience in the workplace. Thus, I say something like: In the workplace, when someone is gone, the group has to pick up the slack but the absent member still benefits from the group work.

So, if you have to be absent, let your peers know in advance and make sure that you do your best to make up for it.



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