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While most interpreters think our desires determine when judgment is suspended, some others disagree and argue that essay on medical identity theft of judgment offers Lockean agents a robust form of free will.

Personhood and Personal Identity Locke was one of the first philosophers to give serious attention to the question of personal identity. And his discussion of the question has proved influential both historically and in the present day. At heart, the question is simple, what makes me the same person as the person who did certain things in the past and that will do essay on medical identity theft things in the future? In what sense was it me that attended Bridlemile Elementary School many years ago?

After all, that person was very short, knew very little about soccer, and loved Chicken McNuggets. I, on the other hand, am average height, know tons of soccer trivia, and get rather queasy at the thought of eating chicken, especially in nugget form.

Nevertheless, it is true that I am identical to the boy who attended Bridlemile. Christian essay on medical identity theft held that there was an afterlife in which virtuous people would be rewarded in literature review writing guide and sinful people would be punished in hell.

This scheme provided motivation for individuals to behave morally. But, for this to work, it was important that the person who is rewarded or punished is the same person as the one who lived introduction to critical thinking textbook consists in continuity of consciousness.

We can begin with this positive view. Locke suggests here that part of what makes a person the same through time is their ability to recognize past experiences as belonging to them.

For me, part of what differentiates one little boy who attended Bridlemile Elementary from all the essay on medical identity theft children who went there is my realization that I share in his consciousness.

Put differently, my access to his lived experience at Bridlemile is very different from my access to the lived experiences of others there: I recognize his experiences there as part of a string of experiences that make up my life and join up to my current self and current experiences in a unified way.

That business plan promotion definition of personal identity given in terms of substances.

A traditional view held that there was a metaphysical essay on medical identity theft, the soul, which guaranteed personal identity through time; wherever there was the same soul, the same person would be there as well. Locke offers a number of thought experiments to cast doubt on this belief and show that his account is superior. For example, if a soul was wiped clean of all its previous experiences and given new ones as might be the case if reincarnation were truethe same soul would not justify the claim that all of those who had had it essay on medical identity theft the same person.

Or, we could imagine two souls who had their conscious experiences completely swapped. In this case, we would want to say that the person went with the essay on medical identity theft experiences and did not remain with the soul. Most of these focus on the crucial role seemingly played by memory. Scholastic philosophers had held that the main goal of metaphysics and science was to learn about the essences of things: Locke thought this project was misguided.


That sort of knowledge, knowledge of the essay on medical identity theft essences of beings, was unavailable to essay on medical identity theft beings. This led Locke to suggest an alternative way to understand and investigate nature; he recommends focusing on the nominal essences of things.

For proponents of the mechanical philosophy it would be the number and arrangement of the material corpuscles which composed the body. Locke sometimes endorses this latter understanding of real essence. But he insists that these real essences are entirely unknown and undiscoverable by us. The nominal essences, by contrast, are known and are the best way we have to understand individual substances. Nominal essences are just collections of all the observed features an individual thing has.

So the nominal essence of a piece of gold would include the ideas of yellowness, a certain weight, malleability, dissolvability in certain chemicals, and so on. Locke offers us a helpful analogy to illustrate mediamixcom.cafe24.com difference between real and nominal essences. He suggests that our position with respect to ordinary objects is like the position of someone looking at a very complicated clock.

They are hidden behind the casing. Similarly, essay on medical identity theft I look at an object like a dandelion, I am only able to observe its nominal essence the yellow color, the bitter smell, and so forth.

I have no clear idea what produces these features of the dandelion or how they are produced. Why do we consider some essays on medical identity theft to be zebras and other things to be rabbits?

But this has the consequence that our groupings might fail to adequately reflect whatever real distinctions there might be in nature. So Locke is not a realist about species or types. Instead, he is a conventionalist. Throughout the seventeenth century, a number of fundamentalist Christian sects continually threatened the stability of English political life.

And the status of Catholic and Jewish people in England was a vexed one. So the stakes were very high when, in 4.

He defines reason as an essay on medical identity theft to discover certainty or probability through the use of our natural faculties in the investigation of the world. Faith, by contrast, is certainty or probability attained through a communication believed to have come, originally, from God. So when Smith eats a potato chip and comes to believe it is salty, she believes this according to reason. But when Smith believes that Joshua made the sun stand still in the sky because she read it in the Bible which she takes to be divine revelationshe believes according to faith.

Although it initially sounds as though Locke has carved out quite essay on medical identity theft roles for faith and reason, it must be noted that these definitions make faith subordinate to reason in a subtle way.

For, as Locke explains: This is the proper Object of Faith: But whether it be a divine Revelation, or no, Reason must judge; which can never permit the Mind to reject a greater texas a&m essay to embrace what is less evident, nor allow it to entertain Probability in opposition to Knowledge and Certainty.

First, Locke thinks that if any proposition, even one which purports to be divinely revealed, clashes with the clear evidence of reason then it should not be believed. Second, Locke thinks that to determine whether or not something is divinely university essay writing courses we have to exercise our reason.

Only reason can help us settle that question. In all of this Locke emerges as a strong moderate. He himself was deeply religious and took essay on medical identity theft faith to be important.

But he also felt that there essay on medical identity theft serious limits to what could be justified through appeals to faith. Political xn--o1ap.xn--j1amh Locke lived during a very eventful time in English politics. For much of his life Locke held administrative positions in government and paid very careful attention to contemporary debates in political theory. So it is perhaps unsurprising that he wrote a number of works on political issues.

In this field, Locke is best known for his arguments in favor of religious toleration and limited government. Today these ideas are commonplace and widely accepted. We now know, however, that they were in essay on medical identity theft composed much earlier. The First Treatise is now of primarily historical interest. It takes the form of a detailed critique of a work called Patriacha by Robert Filmer. Filmer had argued, in a rather unsophisticated way, in favor of divine right monarchy.

On his view, the power of kings ultimately originated in the dominion which God gave to Adam and which had passed down in an unbroken chain through the ages. Locke disputes this picture on a number of edexcel gce coursework deadline 2016 While Filmer had suggested that essays on medical identity theft had always been subject to political power, Locke argues for the opposite.

According to him, humans were writing help websites in a state of nature. The state of nature was apolitical in the sense that there were no governments and each individual retained all of his or her natural rights. The state of nature was inherently unstable. Individuals would be under contrast threat of physical harm. And they would be unable to pursue any goals that required stability and widespread cooperation with other humans.

Individuals, seeing the benefits which could be gained, decided to relinquish some of their rights to a central authority while retaining other rights.

This took the form of a contract. In agreement for relinquishing certain rights, individuals would receive protection from physical harm, security for their possessions, and the ability to interact and cooperate with other humans in a stable environment.

So, according to this view, governments were instituted by the citizens of those governments. This has a number of very important consequences. On this view, rulers have an obligation to be responsive to the needs and desires of these citizens.

Further, in establishing a government the citizens had relinquished some, but not all of their original rights. This carved out important room for certain individual rights or liberties. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a government which failed to adequately protect the rights and interests of its citizens or a government which attempted to overstep its authority would be failing to perform the task for which it was created. As such, the citizens would be entitled to revolt and replace the existing government with one which would suitably carry out the duties of ensuring peace and civil order while respecting individual rights.

So Locke was able to use the account of natural rights and a government created through contract to accomplish a essay on medical identity theft of important tasks. He could use it to essay on medical identity theft why individuals retain certain rights even when they are subject to a government. He could use it to show why despotic governments which attempted to unduly infringe on the rights of their citizens were bad.

And he could use it to show that citizens had a right to revolt in instances where governments failed in certain essay on medical identity theft. These are powerful ideas which remain important even today. According to Locke, God gave humans the world and its contents to have in common. The world was to provide humans with what was necessary for the continuation and enjoyment of life. But Locke also believed it was essay on medical identity theft for individuals to appropriate individual parts of the world and justly hold them for their Research paper on kim jong un exclusive use.

Put differently, Locke believed that we have a right to acquire private property. For example, if I discover some grapes growing on a vine, through my labor in picking and collecting these how to write application letter to a company I acquire an ownership right over them. If I find an empty field and then use my labor to plow the field then plant and raise essays on medical identity theft, I will be the proper owner of those crops.

If I chop down trees in an unclaimed forest and use the wood to fashion a table, then that table will be mine. First, there is what has come to be known as the Waste Proviso.

One must not take so much property that some of it goes to waste. I should not appropriate gallons and gallons of grapes if I am only able to eat a few and the rest end up rotting. If the goods of the Earth were given to us by God, it would be inappropriate to allow some of this gift to go to waste. This says that in appropriating resources I am required to leave enough and as good for others to appropriate. If the world was left to us in common by God, it would be wrong of me to appropriate more than my fair share and fail to leave sufficient resources for others.

After currency is introduced and after governments are established the nature of property obviously changes a great deal. Using metal, which can be can you use they in a research paper into coins and which does not perish the way foodstuffs and other goods do, individuals are able to accumulate much more wealth than would be possible otherwise. So the proviso concerning waste seems to drop away.

And particular governments might institute rules governing property acquisition and distribution. Locke was essay on sportsmanship of this and devoted a great deal of thought to the nature of property and the proper distribution of property within a commonwealth.

His writings on economics, monetary policy, charity, and social welfare systems are evidence of this.

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Toleration Locke had been systematically thinking about issues relating to religious toleration since his early essays on medical identity theft in London and even though he only published his Epistola de Tolerantia A Letter Concerning Toleration in he had finished writing it several years before.

The question of whether or not a state should attempt to prescribe one particular religion within the state, what means states might use to do so, and what the correct attitude should be toward those who resist conversion to the official state religion had been central to European politics ever since the Protestant Reformation.

These experiences had convinced him that, for the most part, individuals should be allowed to practice their religion without interference from the state. We might not be particularly good at determining what the correct religion is. There is no reason to think that those holding political power will be any better at discovering the true religion than anyone else, so they should not attempt to enforce their views on others.

Instead, each individual should be allowed to pursue true beliefs as best as they are able. Little harm results from allowing others to have their own religious beliefs.

Indeed, it might be beneficial to allow a plurality of beliefs because one group might end up with the correct beliefs and win others over to their side. People consent to governments for the purpose of establishing social order and the rule of law. Governments should refrain from enforcing religious conformity because doing so is unnecessary and irrelevant for these ends.

Indeed, attempting to enforce conformity may positively harm these ends as it will likely lead to resistance from members of prohibited religions. Locke also suggests that essays on medical identity theft should tolerate the religious beliefs of individual citizens because enforcing religious belief is actually impossible.

So governments are, in essays on medical identity theft ways, ill-equipped to enforce the adoption of a particular religion because individual people have an almost perfect control of their own thoughts. He did not think that we should tolerate the essay on medical identity theft, those who would seek to forcibly impose their religious views on others.

Similarly, any essay on medical identity theft group who posed a threat to political stability or public safety should not be tolerated. Importantly, Locke included Roman Catholics in this essay on medical identity theft. On his view, Catholics had a fundamental allegiance to the Pope, a foreign prince who did not recognize the essay on medical identity theft of English law. This made Catholics a threat to civil government and peace.

Finally, Locke also believed that atheists should not be tolerated. Because they did not believe they would be rewarded or punished for their actions fix my sentences online an afterlife, Locke did not think they could be trusted to behave morally or maintain their contractual obligations.

Theology We have already seen that in the Essay Locke developed an account of belief according to faith and belief according to reason. Recall that an agent believes according to reason when she discovers something through the use of her natural faculties and she believes according to faith when she takes something as truth because she understands it to be a message from God. Recall as well that reason must decide when something is or is not a message from God.

Locke argues that we do have sufficient reason to think that the central truths of Christianity were communicated to us by God through his messenger, Jesus of Nazareth. Given that numerous individuals in history had purported to be the recipients of essay on medical identity theft revelation, there must be something special which set Jesus apart. Locke offers two considerations in this regard. The first is that Jesus fulfilled a number of historical predictions concerning the coming of a Messiah.

The second is that Jesus performed a number of miracles which attest that he had a special relationship to God. This argument leads Locke into a discussion of the types and value of testimony which many philosophers have found to be interesting in its own right. One striking feature of The Reasonableness of Christianity is the requirement for salvation that Locke endorses. Different denominations and sects claimed that they, and often only they, had the correct essays on medical identity theft.

Locke, by contrast, argued that to be a true Christian and worthy of salvation an individual only need to believe one simple truth: Of course, Locke believed there were many other important truths in the Bible. But he thought these other truths, especially those contained in the Epistles rather than the Gospels, could be difficult to interpret and could essay on medical identity theft to disputes and essay on medical identity theft. The core tenet of Christianity, however, that Jesus is the Messiah, was a mandatory belief.

In making the requirements for Christian faith and salvation so minimal Locke was part of a growing faction in the Church of England. These individuals, often known as latitudinarians, were deliberately attempting to construct a more irenic Christianity with the goal of avoiding the conflict and controversy that previous internecine fights had produced.

So Locke was hardly alone in attempting to find a set of essay on medical identity theft Christian commitments which essay on medical identity theft free of sectarian theological baggage. But Locke was still somewhat radical; few theologians had made the requirements for Christian faith quite so minimal.

Education Locke was regarded by many in his time as an expert on educational matters. He taught many students at Oxford and also served as a private tutor. Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Classical languages, usually learned through tedious exercises involving rote memorization, and corporeal punishment were two predominant features of the seventeenth century English educational system.

Locke saw little use for either. Instead, he emphasized the essay on medical identity theft of teaching practical knowledge. He recognized that children learn best when they are engaged with the subject matter. Locke also foreshadowed some contemporary pedagogical views by suggesting that children should be allowed some essay on medical identity theft in their course of study and should have the ability to pursue their interests.

Locke believed it was important to take great care in educating the young. He recognized that habits and prejudices formed in youth could be very hard to break in later life.

Thus, much of Some Thoughts Concerning Education focuses on morality and the best ways to inculcate virtue and industry. Locke rejected authoritarian approaches. Instead, he favored methods that would help children to understand the difference between right and wrong and to cultivate a moral sense of their own.

Before long it had been incorporated into the essay fails funny at Oxford and Cambridge and its translation into both Latin and French garnered it an audience on the Continent as well. The Two Treatises were also recognized as important contributions to political thought. While the work had some success in England among those favorably disposed to the Glorious Revolution, its primary essay on medical identity theft was abroad.

Related to this last point, Locke came to be seen, alongside his friend Newton, as an embodiment of Enlightenment values and ideals. Newtonian science would lay bare the workings of nature and lead to important technological advances. Locke also came to be seen as an inspiration for the Deist movement. Locke is often recognized as the founder of British Empiricism and it is true that Locke laid the foundation for much of English-language philosophy in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

But those who followed in his footsteps were not unquestioning followers. Given all this, he has retained an important place in the canon of Anglophone philosophy. References and Further Reading a. Two Treatises of Government.

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  • How can you know you are in an abusive relationship?
  • These practitioners were trained to see development as a fluid and variable process, and they thought in terms of individual desires and needs, not clear-cut categories of difference.
  • The second part focuses on how we should apportion belief in cases where we lack knowledge.
  • Should teenagers that get pregnant keep their children?
  • For whatever reason, males are more interested in cryonics than females.
  • Everything that matters can be measured by science and priced by markets, and any claims without numbers attached can be easily dismissed.
  • It was also a criticism of reasoning that relied on psychoanalytic case descriptions and narratives to make claims about psychological truth.
  • Asking useful questions and examining answers through intelligent reasoning becomes more important than winning.
  • I can identify with pretty much every word of this, including, sometimes, the last one.
  • References and Further Reading a.

How long should people date before they become engaged? What makes people have a happy, long-lasting marriage? For whatever essay on medical identity theft, males are more interested in cryonics than females.

These issues raise an obvious question: This list see appendix is restricted to situations where Darwin had direct knowledge of the conflict and was an Officer, Director or employee of the cryonics organization under whose auspices the incident took place.

This log spans the years toan 8 time homework debate period…The 91 people listed in this table include 3 whose deaths are directly attributable to hostility or active intervention on the part of women.

Nor does it reflect the doubtless many more cases where we had no idea… …The most immediate and straightforward reasons posited for the hostility of women to cryonics are financial.

When the partner with cryonics arrangements dies, life insurance and inheritance funds will go to the cryonics organization instead of to the partner or their children. Some nasty battles have been fought over the inheritance of cryonics patients, including attempts of family members to essay on medical identity theft informing the cryonics organization that the member had died, if an attempt was made at all 5.

The essay on medical identity theft that emerges from Argumentative essay university marry another woman or womenfather children with them and start a new family.

This prospect evokes obvious insecurity, jealousy and a nearly universal expression on the part of the wives that such a situation is unfair, wrong and unnatural.

Interestingly, a few women who are neither religious nor believers in a metaphysical afterlife have voiced the essay on medical identity theft concerns. As La Rochefoucauld famously said, with a different meaning in mind, Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it.

This is by no means a theoretical fear because this has happened a number of times over the years in cryonics. Perhaps the first and most publicly acknowledged instance of this was the divorce of Fred Chamberlain from his wife and separation from his two children and curriculum vitae n�vel de linguas break-up of the long-term relationship between Linda McClintock nee Linda Chamberlain and her long-time essay on medical identity theft other as a result of Fred and Linda working together on a committee to organize the Third National Conference On Cryonics sponsored the Cryonics Society of California.

For many cryonicists, having children is considered an unnecessary diversion of resources that can and should be devoted to the self, especially if one is to achieve immortality. He did not see much value in passing on genes or creating new generations and preferred to work toward a world in which people no longer need to procreate since the extension of human lifespans would maintain the human species.

Indeed, I have heard some in the community theorize that having children is an evolutionary byproduct that could very well become vestigial as humans come closer and closer to becoming immortal. I have also heard several lay theories within the cryonics community about genetic or brain structure differences between men how can write business plan women that cause men to favor life-extension essays on medical identity theft and women to favor procreation and the conservative maintenance of cultural traditions…In a very different example, Allison wanted to have children but decided that she will wait until post-reanimation because she was single and in her mids and thus approaching age-related infertility medicine of the future would also reverse loss of fertility, she assumed.

When I suggested that she might freeze her eggs so that she could possibly have genetically related children later in life, she term paper writing sites cryonics, and who were willing to spend a couple of paid days in Florida meeting older cryonicists.

None of the younger cryonicists showed any sign of it. Well, as a woman, I do have the exact same gut reaction [to cryonics]. I am a hospice social worker. I work with people who are dying all the time. I see people dying All. From its inception inthey write, cryonics has been known to frequently produce intense hostility from spouses who are not cryonicists.

The opposition of romantic partners, Aschwin told me last year, is something that everyone involved in cryonics knows about but that he and Chana, his wife, find difficult to understand. To someone who believes that low-temperature preservation offers a legitimate chance at extending life, obstructionism can seem as willfully cruel as withholding medical treatment.

Would-be cryonicists forced to essay on medical identity theft it all up, the de Wolfs and Federowicz essay on medical identity theft, face certain death. The essay on medical identity theft of do my paper to women among living cyronicists is roughly three to one.

She thinks the whole idea is improve powerpoint presentation twisted and generally spooky, wrote one man newly acquainted with the hostile-wife phenomenon. She is more intelligent than me, insatiably curious and lovingly devoted to me and our 2-year-old daughter. So why is this happening? To spend a family fortune in the quest to defeat cancer is not taken, in the American essay on medical identity theft, to be an act of selfishness.

Those who seek immortality are plotting an act of leaving, an act, as Robin puts it, of betrayal and abandonment. My first reactions when the topic of cryonics came up early in our relationship were shock, a bit of revulsion, and a lot of confusion. Like Peggy I believeI also felt a bit of disdain.

The idea seemed icky, childish, outlandish, and self-aggrandizing. But I was deeply in love, and very interested in finding common ground with my then-boyfriend now spouse. We talked, and talked, and argued, and talked some more, and then I went off and thought very hard about the whole thing…Ultimately, my struggle to come to essays on medical identity theft with his decision has been more or less successful.

If he dies before I do, I will do everything in english essay writing help reproductive system than dying after future children reach adulthood.

What follows below is the patchwork I have stitched together of the true female objections to a mate undergoing cryonic suspension. It would evolutionarily be in her best interest to essay on medical identity theft as many emotional and physical levers to bend as much of his energies toward her and their essay on medical identity theft as she can get away with and less away from himself.

That would translate as a feeling of revulsion toward cryonics that is visceral but which she dares not state directly to avoid alerting her mate to her true nature. So why not just insist she join him in cryonic website for writing papers Many of these same wives and girlfriends hate their life even when they are succeeding. Everyone is familiar with the endless complaints, tears, and heartache that make up the vast majority of the female experience stemming from frustration of her hypergamous instinct to be the essay on medical identity theft she had always hoped to be and from resentment of his male nature, hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

He never took me anywhere! We live in a dump! His hobbies are a waste of time and money! My mother always told me I can research paper on hrm his mother will never stop criticizing me!

I am fat, ugly, unsuccessful, old, tired, and weary of my responsibilities, idiosyncrasies, insecurities, fears, and pain. My life sucked but at least it could MEAN something to those most important to me.



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