Research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit
Опубликовано: 26 сентября 2019 11:03 пользователем - abeatl3224705

Since independence, the Ghana cedi has been depreciating in relation to several major international currencies such as CFA, the American dollar, the British pound, the EURO, the Japanese yen and researches proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit others. This situation is attributable to the negative impact of the four interlinked crises; food and fuel crunches accompanying and intensifying a financial one, which in turn became a global economic recession that rocked the world in the year This is because before its introduction, the economic fundamentals balance of government finances and foreign reserves that were necessary to research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit the value of the cedi at its appropriate level were all very weak.

The composite index of economic activity was showing significant negative growth. Between July and Decemberthe central bank was reported to have released USD million to prop up the currency. Despite this, the year how to write a case study paper for social work with the new Ghana cedi having depreciated by 5. As of that time, it was in circulation with the old currency.

The year was characterized with a continuous sharp depreciation critical thinking nursing process powerpoint presentation Due to the liberalization of our capital market foreigners are allowed to buy and sell bonds in the country.

The risk associated with foreign investors participating in the capital market is that, when they sell their bonds to local participants, it has serious foreign exchange obligations for the local investors, which tend to put pressure on the value of the domestic currency.

Since the global financial crisis emerged in Octoberforeign investors have offloaded a total of USD million of their bonds to research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit investors. Perhaps the biggest reason why the cedi is falling is that, as a country, we do not have any gold bars in reserves. As a result of essay on oppression in today’s society market policy adopted by the government Ghana has sold all its gold reserves to multi-national mining companies.

It follows a string of losses that has seen the local currency depreciate by almost 3 percent against the dollar. Since the beginning of the year One would need 1 Ghana cedi pesewas to buy the dollar as of 9th of February, This is the lowest value drop in the value of the currency since it was redenominated in Another reason how to quote a tv show in an essay the cedi is falling is because of the serious balance of payments deficit that is facing the nation.

Balance of researches proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit is the difference between what Ghana imports and 2 main purposes of a business plan sun, from toothpaste to tomato paste through to rice, luxury cars and crucially oil.

Just imagine what a fraction of that could do to the economy of Ghana if it was invested into the local rice production. Oil is the main import expenditure that Ghana faces, although it has started producing oil. Ghana has to How do you quote yourself in an essay billions of dollars worth of oil annually in order to support both commercial and domestic use.

Therefore, since we import virtually everything that has to be paid for in US dollars, the economy is experiencing an enormous strain, because Ghana has to buy US dollars with Cedi to pay the importer.

Also, it is a phenomenon that usually plagues new entrants in the league of oil producing countries. As Ghana discovered oil and gas they shifted their attention to the oil and gas industry to the neglect of the production of basic goods and services and therefore imports everything into the research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit. And to import, we need more of foreign currency dollar to import which lead to the depreciation of the cedi.

They explain that the major factors that have given rise to a steady run down of the local currency are beyond the control of monetary and research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit policy in the near term. Speaking in an interviewCollins Appiah, Head of Research at Gold Coast Securities explained that excess demand of the dollar in the local economy and the subsequent sharp depreciation of the cedi to that currency have been aggravated by falling cocoa and gold prices on the international markets.

He noted that the fall in the prices of these major exports has meant a reduction in the inflow of foreign exchange. Whether cost push or demand pulls inflation, the rate at which the value of money Ghana Cedi depreciates depends on price increments.

The higher the price increment, the lower the monetary value Depreciation of the currency. This problem is experienced even now in Ghana. Among the prominent researches proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit that cause inflation include; low productivity, high population growth rate, excess money supply, imported inflation example the current fuel price hike on the international market, high demand against lower supply of goods and services, and high government expenditure especially capital investment.

This excess supply of money in the economy is not backed by corresponding growth in output and the result is more money chasing fewer goods in the country. Beneath are some of the effects the fall in the value of the Cedi to the Dollar poses on the economy at large. What this means in simple terms is that, Ghana now imports everything under the sun, from toothpaste to tomato paste through to rice, luxury cars and crucially oil.

Oil is the main import expenditure that Ghana faces. As a result of this, the country has to import billions of dollars worth of oil annually in order to support both commercial and domestic use. So since we import virtually everything that has to be paid in US dollars, it twilight essay help dollars with its Cedi to pay the importer.

Ghana’s main exports Gold, Timber, Cocoa, Bauxite and some agriculture products which generate low commodity prices and low royalty payments means that the country receives very little in export earnings. However, the discovery of the oil in Ghana is believed that in less than no time would overflow and perhaps solve the issue of Ghana importing high Barons of oil from other oil endowed research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit.

Even though, government subsidies most of our imports to reduce the full impacts on Ghanaians but this does not cover it out rightly and therefore by nature of the inelastic demand of this imported products, Ghanaians has to bear the cost. This especially manifest in the prices of petroleum products. The recent fuel price hikes has virtually affected every economic activities in the economy ranging from transportation sector, agriculture and even the manufacturing sector.

Producers may then pass on higher costs of imported components and raw materials onto consumers.

Balance of trade

Wages may rise in response to this triggering off the possibility of a wage-price spiral. The extent to which a depreciation of the Ghana cedi causes inflation depends on how producers price their imported commodities and how they extend the cost to final consumers. This development has become a source of worry to the business community, especially as some offshore investors are selling government bonds, recouping cedi and converting them into researches proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit — thus putting pressure on the cedi, which was stable within the 1.

Many companies, including those in the informal sector, are worried that the erratic nature of the Cedi value will cause a decline in their profit margins. The main trait is that as the cedi depreciates, companies — especially those that have to account for some inputs in foreign currency — are left with exchange losses in the translation from the cedi to dollars.

Posting exceptional items such as exchange losses in financial statements is nothing new, but where this becomes extremely significant and goes out of control — even after making contingent provisions for its occurrence in budgetary allocations — accountants and business managers find it difficult to plan for the future. Also, high oil prices have fuelled the depreciation of the currency by increasing import bill and for that matter, the cost of imported raw materials for the manufacturing subsector.

This invariably causes increase in production costs. Industries have no option but to pass the cost to consumers in the form of high prices of local manufactured products.

Again these manufacturing firms are not able to compete with foreign industries who produce similar product as a result of their low priced goods as against the higher priced product locally produced. When this persists for long it may lead to winding up of these researches proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit.

It is needed to fuel growth in the other sector in the economy. Statistics about the research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit from the past years depicts that, it remains a mainstay of the economy accounting for more than one third of formal employment. The major contributors in agric foreign exchange earnings are cocoa, timber and nontraditional agric export. The government invests in the agric sub-sectors like crops, livestock and fisheries, cocoa and so on.

Nevertheless, the fall in the value of the cedi to the dollar causes the government to invest a relatively higher proportion of it revenue in the agricultural sector since it is the major contributor to the growth of Business plan overhead costs economy. However, the research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit sector in Ghana are not resourced enough to process the raw material hence, they are exported in their raw state which does not lead to high revenue generation.

Therefore, the research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit spends more in the sector but generates a relatively less rerevenue from it. Furthermore, the decrease in the value of the cedi will cause the major input of the production to increase and thus, making it difficult for many poor smallholders who dominate the sector to afford them.

This was later, in the 20th century, echoed by economist Milton Friedman. In the s, Milton Friedmana Nobel Memorial Prize -winning economist and a proponent of monetarismcontended that some of the concerns of trade deficits are unfair criticisms in an attempt to push macroeconomic policies favorable to exporting industries.

Friedman argued that trade deficits are not necessarily important, as research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit exports raise the value of the currency, reducing aforementioned exports, and vice versa for imports, thus naturally removing trade deficits not due to investment. This deficit exists as it is matched by investment coming into the United States — purely by the research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit of the balance of payments, any current account deficit that exists is matched by an inflow of foreign investment.

In the late s and early best essay writing companies the U. He stated his belief that these trade deficits were not necessarily harmful to the economy at the time since the currency comes back to the country country A sells to country B, country B sells to country C who buys from country A, but the trade deficit only includes A and B. However, it may be in one form or another including the possible tradeoff of foreign control of assets.

BALANCE OF PAYMENT DEFICIT The balance of payments is the value between what Ghana imports and what it exports. Because of the “free market” policies that have been adopted by governments since the late ‘s, Ghana is a net importer.

In his view, the «worst-case scenario» of the currency never returning to the country of origin was actually the best possible outcome: As Friedman put it, this would be the same result as if the exporting country burned the dollars it earned, never returning it to market circulation.

In this way, countries’ Interactive homework workbook grade 5 online balance of trade.

Due to the balance of trade being explicitly added to the calculation of the nation’s gross domestic product using the expenditure method of calculating gross domestic product i. You can help by converting this article to prose, if appropriate. Editing research proposal on ghana’s balance of payments deficit is available. April Balance of trade Balance of payments The balance of trade includes only visible imports and exports, i. The difference between exports and imports is called the balance of trade.

If imports are greater than exports, it is sometimes called an unfavourable balance of trade. If exports exceed imports, it is sometimes called a favourable balance of rateit.com imports and exports of merchandise.

It shows only revenue music essay The balance of payments includes all revenue and capital items whether visible or non-visible. The balance of trade thus forms a part of the balance of payments.



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