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Опубликовано: 08 сентября 2019 18:25 пользователем - abeatl3224705

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  • The song which comes closest to the feel and the vibe of the ‘Udaan’ album is «Tafreeh».
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  • Sample this, «swasthya ke liye achcha hai bada, chumma yeh tera sachcha hai bada».
  • Music composer Amit Trivedi, lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya and director Vikramaditya Motwane — the team has always delivered great music and without Motwane, too, Trivedi and Bhattacharya have done some good work together.
  • Music composer Amit Trivedi, lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya and director Vikramaditya Motwane — the team has always delivered great music and without Motwane, too, Trivedi and Bhattacharya have done some good work together.

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The song which comes closest to the feel and the vibe of the ‘Udaan’ album is «Tafreeh». In fact, it sounds like something Motwane liked during the music sittings of his debut film and decided to use it in this film. Amit has composed similar tracks in the past but for some reason, it brought back memories of the Udaan soundtrack for me, Viagra A Buon Mercato Campania.

Perhaps, that is because «Tafreeh» talks about freedom, finding oneself and other themes which ‘Udaan’, the film, was synonymous with.

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In this track, the protagonist talks about taking on the baton to bring about a change even if nobody stands by him. The song has a nice, upbeat rhythm to it and Papon’s voice works very well for it. The song, in parts, reminded me of «Phir Wohi» ‘Qaidi Band’, a track composed by Trivedi which also talked about optimism. The music of ‘Bhavesh Joshi Superhero’ is quite nice but it does not match up to the standards of an ‘Udaan’ or a ‘Lootera’.

Amitabh Bhattacharya is clearly the star of the album as his highly imaginative lyrics stay in your mind long after you have heard the entire album. The album is yet another indicator of the fact that Amit, Viagra A Buon Mercato Campania, perhaps, needs to reinvent with a fresher sound and make Buon that his new songs do not sound like his older ones. Amitabh Bhattacharya is clearly the star of the album as his highly inventive Viagra check Campania your mind foresighted after you have heard the full album.

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