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Metabolism Medicine metabolic rates are determined both by genetc and environmental factors. Medicine acetylaton shows genetc polymorphism, whereby individuals fall clearly into either fast or slow acetylator types. Disease Variables Both liver and kidney disease can have major efects on medicine response, chiefy by the efect on metabolism and eliminaton respectvely increasing toxicity, but also by their efect on plasma albumin increased free medicine also increasing toxicity.

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For example, in infantle malnutriton and in malnourished elderly populatons medicine oxidaton rates are decreased, while high protein diets, charcoal cooked foods and certain other foods act as metabolizing enzyme inducers. Pharmacogenetc variaton will afect the medicine response, by 4-6 fold among diferent individuals. All major determinants of medicine response such as transporters, metabolizing enzymes, and receptors are controlled genetcally.

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Unfortunately this is very ofen not the case, and physicians overlook one of the most important reasons for treatment failure that is poor adherence compliance with the treatment plan. The medicine may be poorly tolerated, may cause obvious adverse efects or may be prescribed in a toxic dose. Bad prescribing or a dispensing error may also create a problem, and regarding which patents may have neither the insight nor the courage to queston.

Factors may be related to the patent, the disease, the doctor, the prescripton, the pharmacist or the health system and can ofen be avoided. Low-cost strategies for improving adherence increase efectveness of health interventons and reduce costs.

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Major Factors Predisposing to Adverse Efects It is well known that diferent patents ofen respond difer- ently to a given treatment regimen. They may also occur indirectly when a medicine- induced disease or a change in fuid or electrolyte balance alters the response to another medicine. Interactons may occur when one medicine alters the absorpton, distributon, metabolism or eliminaton of another medicine, such that the amount which reaches the site of acton is increased or decreased.




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