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Compounding the significance of this risk is the greater sensitivity of the elderly to parkinsonian effects from traditional anti- psychotics 12. Though one might assume, logically, that reversing these symptoms should be accomplished with a medicine that promotes dopamine transmission to overcome a dopamine blockade, remember that dopamine transmission in mesolimbic nerve path- ways would aggravate the symptoms of psychosis that start this mess in the first place. Clinicians thus rely upon the important relationship between acetylcholine and dopa- mine to remedy some movement problems, specifically the parkinsonian symptoms. Anti- cholinergics such as benztropine and trihexyphenidyl reduce the dopamine-blocking effects on the substantia nigra without affecting dopamine blocking that treats psy- chosis 14.

However, a dystonic reaction in the wrong setting can still inspire fear, humiliation, and an unwillingness to continue with treatment. Unlike Parkinsonian effects, dystonia has not been definitively localized as origi- nating in the substantia nigra. However, its dramatic reversal by anticholinergics is further evidence of an elegant balance between dopamine blockage and the potency of acetylcholine transmission.

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Dopamine blockade www.ilfeto.it D2 receptors in other movement centers in the brain is not so easily reversed by anticholinergics. Other dopamine-induced movement disorders are thought to result from phenomena that have best Levitra Oral Jelly For Order to do with acetylcholine, and more with other of the numerous effects of the traditional antipsychotics. Antipsychotics and Akathisia Akathisia, unlike dystonia and parkinsonism, begins to develop—often insidiously —weeks after antipsychotic treatment begins 19. The subjective sense of restlessness, akathisia is exquisitely uncomfortable 20.

Primarily high-potency traditional antipsychotics are associated with the develop- ment of akathisia.

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  • Families or physicians may note a sense of increasing distress, and may mistakenly—and sometimes under- standably—attribute that disquiet to psychosis, from undertreatment or noncompliance with the antipsychotic.

Risperidone, an atypical antipsychotic, also causes akathisia in some of the patients taking that medicine. Pimozide is a high-potency traditional antipsychotic, but is typically prescribed at very low doses for its clinical effect. Because atypical antipsychotics do not frequently cause akathisia, many presume that the dopamine-blocking qualities of traditional antipsychotics account for this move- ment disorder. Further shrouding the neurochemical understanding of akathisia is its treatment; beta-blockers and benzodiazepines, which improve akathisia, act in a general manner on both the central and peripheral nervous system 22.

Fluphenazine and haloperidol are especially relevant to consideration of akathisia and other high-potency side effects such as tardive dyskinesia. These two antipsychotics are often prescribed in oil-based depot forms that are injected into best Levitra Oral Jelly For Order areas of the buttocks or rear shoulder, and release themselves steadily into the bloodstream over a period of 2—4 wk 23. Since the onset of akathisia is more common weeks after a medicine has begun, and best Levitra Oral Jelly For Order those patients on depot medicines have the prospect of slowly metabolizing antipsychotics accumulating in their system, these patients are at higher risk for devel- oping akathisia. Because patients taking depot haloperidol or fluphenazine are man- aged as outpatients, their akathisia may go undetected, relative to the discomfort of someone on a hospital ward who is under intermittent observation all day, every day.

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